
Technology + Business Support for individuals and businesses -- startup to mature; profit to non-profit.

Areas of Practice


Technology: BAckup & recovery

We start at the beginning. If your data isn't redundantly available, and quickly accessible to recover from a catastrophe -- fire, flood, power surge, employee accident, theft, external attack, or spilled coffee -- you or your business are at risk; extreme risk. We configure local to cloud; cloud to cloud; cloud to local; and, redundant local backup solutions based on risk assessments and goals.

Process improvement

Allow us to experience your business end-to-end. Where are you or your employees losing time. Do you have the information you need to make the best decision possible. Are your prospects waiting to become clients? Are your clients waiting for information? Is there a step in your system that is slowing down cash flow? Allow us to work with your team -- with a fresh set of eyes and ears -- to help improve your business processes.

training & change management

Two distinctly different themes under the same 'title' -- training and change management -- however; if handled correctly by the leadership team(s) they can be parallel or overlapping aspects of engagement. Are your employees aware of the big picture? Are they actively engaged or recognized for their desire to help the clients or the business? Does your team have ideas that your leadership 'cannot hear'? If your employees are involved from the beginning, change occurs naturally; then, training is welcomed as a means of improvement versus the fear often experienced by the unknown or something new. We assist in establishing the steps that allow engagement, change 'anxiety' reduction, and, welcomed training.


Passwords to patches, log monitoring to employee training -- technology security ranks neck-and-neck with backup & recovery. Whether your data is photos and music to HIPAA data and TSA security info; if you are not taking a multi-layer approach and best-practices to security, you are putting your clients and your business at risk. We assist with the full process -- setting up password management systems and patching operating systems and firmware; active log file monitoring and regular employee training and auditing. No system is impenetrable, but you can make it an extremely difficult and rare occurrence.

business strategy

Are you missing the boat; or, are you so early to the dock they're still building the boat? Don't allow either to happen -- know where the optimal position is for maximum returns; and, when that position changes! We can help. If you are 'caught' in the day-to-day of minding the business, we can review your market and create a plan of attack. Additionally, we can help implement the plan.

Research & review

Really, very few things excite the inner 'hound' in us more than a quality research project. It could be a something short -- a few days to a week -- to the true data compilation over months (or years!?!) We're here for you -- from which multipurpose office machine should we acquire to what should be our next target market for expansion. We will fact check your research or find that spreadsheet formula that is throwing off your projections. It's what we do.

TECHNOLOGY: business improvement

As the basics of backup and security are appropriately covered, it's time to tackle the 'fun stuff' -- how can we do this better? Do we need to move to a dedicated web server because of increased traffic? Should we move to a cloud based business suite (GSuite or Office 365) or move away from the cloud? Our office has grown -- do we need to upgrade our made for 'home office' or gaming wifi setup to improve employee productivity? We're paying a huge amount for our current enterprise platform is there a similar or better platform for less money? Can we automate this process by connecting directly to our clients and vendors? Allowing and targeting wise technology investments that allow you or your organization to survive and lead your competition is the 'fun stuff'.

impression assessment

Are you getting 2-3 stars in your online reviews? Is your new website losing prospects? Can an employee from one branch transfer to another and understand the workflow because of engineered sites and processes? Is your competition out 'ranking' you on search engines and social media platforms? We find out why. Why present recommendations. And, if desired, we help implement the changes.