
Research. Design. Implementation.


John Dogger brings his years of diverse experience to the teams he builds and the projects implemented. His ability to see opportunities and goals through a variety of lenses and perspectives serves clients large and small.

The growth of Dogger & Co. continues -- starting with technology and business assistance to friends, family, and acquaintances; and then, their friends, families, and acquaintances -- the time had come to make the commitment to what we've been doing -- and enjoy doing -- all along -- technology solutions and business improvement for a larger audience. We earn the trust of those we care about -- our clients!


Get in touch

We at Dogger & Co. know that finding the right solution to your situation and goal is a choice not to be taken lightly. That’s why we offer free consultations to walk you through your needs, the scope of your goals, and your budget.

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technology & business idealist

John C. Dogger

From his start mowing lawns, to his progression through high school and college summer and winter breaks at Hy-Level Industries (acquired by Swagelok, 2007) -- learning the machine tool business from maintenance to quality control to engineering -- John C. Dogger was well on his way to a diverse business experience.

His technology background started with the primary rollout of personal computers with a TI-99/4A at home to his first BASIC program on an Apple II during middle school. Additional technology exposure continued at a breakneck pace with an HP 800 series in high school to VAX mainframe, Mac Classic II, and Zenith/IBM-compatibles during college. From there everything took off -- Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer and Solutions Developer training to IBM AS/400s to Citrix and everything 'tech' under the sun!

On the business side, John had the great fortune to work in the family U.S. domestic & international logistics business, Argents Express Group, gaining years of management experience in a medium-size, multi-location organization. John Dogger's experiences include all of the 'highs and lows' of business -- from start up to closure; from retail to education; and, administrator to coach.

It is this breadth and diversity of experiences that allows him to approach projects with a unique sense of guidance -- understanding that a well maintained presence is welcoming; quality engineering really does save time; technology will continue to change; and, business is about helping people and building lasting relationships -- although making money definitely helps!



BA Political Science, 1993